I think it’s safe to say everyone’s life as changed since COVID19. From family gatherings, shopping for the household, attending work or school, to a regular doctor’s visit, they’re now unrecognizable. Empty shelves, masks, no family gatherings, everyone’s lives have been turned upside down. It’s hard to imagine that in our lifetime, we’d be experiencing a Clorox wipe shortage or paper-good rationing, and yet, here we are.
Easter Sunday was a challenge for most people, I’m sure. It was the first time in thirty-one years I was unable to spend it with my son, and also now his kids, my grandkids. Though the reason we celebrate was the same, the festivities looked nothing like our typical gatherings would have been; that said, we were grateful that we are all able to celebrate at all.
This terrible disease continues to cause pain and havoc in so many people’s lives, and my heart aches for those families who have lost loved ones. It was so unexpected, and the damage it is causing across the globe seems so needless. Daily updates inform the world what to expect next. It feels, to me, as if we’re watching a sci-fi movie in slow motion, and my children’s concern only makes it worse. Like every single parent I know, I want to comfort them and tell them unequivocally that they’ll be spared, but I have no idea how to protect them. Keep them at home. Yes. Make them wash their hands. Yes. Remind them never to touch their face. Yes. But even those things do not protect them.
We still have to replenish our regular supplies, food, and other goods. Visitors, such as nurses for my dad, who now lives with us, visit our home, and deliveries are still made. The kids themselves even make food runs when they’re burned out on home-cooking, and every time someone enters the house, we leave, or they leave, puts them at risk.
One thing we’ve all learned is that the virus is unpredictable and doesn’t care who it infects, causing beautiful prom dresses to hang in closets unworn, graduations to be rescheduled, and weddings postponed.
Despite all of that, communities have come together in the most amazing way. Rallying around our healthcare workers and first responders, heroes of today, showing how much they appreciate the work that they are doing as they continually put others before themselves to serve our families, friends, and loved ones. My son is in this field, and I worry about him daily.
During our stay at home isolation, I’ve learned to appreciate my family; dogs included in our family. I am spending time talking with them, watching movies, and sharing meals. Grateful, my dad’s health is stabilizing, and though he’s in a highrisk category, we’re hopeful we can keep him safe and out of harm’s way. It has been touch and go for months now, complete with a recent emergency room visit, but he seems to be doing well with his new treatments. Fingers crossed.
I wish everyone nothing but good things during this stressful time, and hopefully, we can all resume our regular activities and lives sooner rather than later. #Besafe #Stayhome Wishing you all well!
Copyright © 2020 Amanda M. Thrasher