⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ The Greenlee Project by Amanda thrasher is a brilliantly written story about a selected few students who are considered to be the B.P. (Beautiful People) who truly believe that it is they who run the high school that they attend in today’s electronic society. The story begins with Greenlee Granger, a fourteen-year-old girl who is going through a huge social dilemma at school. After her father drops her off at school, instead of going inside, she decides to take a long ride on a public bus. Time doesn’t seem to exist until she finally gets let off, God knows where in a town 20 miles away. She finally gets back to reality and calls her father to pick her up.
From here the story unfolds as you get to know her circle of friends and social status, as well as the cute new boy that just transferred to her school. Clay joins the football team because he was the star quarterback where he came from. Now he has to prove himself and make the team. When it comes time for him to be initiated, he is allowed to decide the ritual and sets out to make it a memorable one, so he proposes “The Greenlee Project.” The only people that can know about the initiation are his new teammates. That is until queen bee, Laurel, sets her sights on Clay as well.
Amanda Thrasher does a superb job of describing the intense situations that arise when the elite crowd’s attention is threatened by those that they feel are beneath them. Ms. Thrasher also delivers the pressures that the B.P. experience to maintain their status quo. All of her characters are well developed and, by the end of this powerful story, Amanda adds some unexpected surprises that really put a twist in the outcome. The Greenlee Project is an eye-opening, powerfully written book that I highly recommend for teenagers, faculty, and parents. Well done! – Reviewed by Stephen Fisher for Readers’ Favorite – 2017 International Book Award Winner – YA Social Issues
Lone Star Literary Blog Book Tour – CAPTAIN FIN A “stirring, yet a whimsical story that is truly compelling!”
Captain Fin is the story of Hannah Gunner’s life after a tragic event hits her family, of how one lie can spiral out of control, and of how that lie is unwound and rectified. It’s a story about how a father’s memory helps a young girl cope with change and challenges as she grows up.
Confession time: I *might* have had a few doubts about a novel based on a screenplay – after all, we all know the book is better than the movie, so what happens when the screenplay comes first? Well, Amanda M Thrasher quickly cast away any doubts I might have about this scenario as Captain Fin was an incredible example of storytelling. Her writing quickly drew me into the story and I was lost to everything else outside – it was so engaging, I read this book in one day. I also don’t believe that the synopsis does the story the justice it deserves. This is a quiet book whose plot slowly unfolds. The characters are layered, real and relatable, and the storytelling is emotional and beautiful. It really wrapped itself around my heart and tugged hard.
Why hadn’t the Captain come home already, thought Hannah, and dismissed this scallywag-turned-tyrant, so they could eat supper, and she could take her bath, and then she could go to Treasure Island with her dad before bed? No, that wasn’t right. She had meant she could go to Treasure Island with the Captain before bed! Where was the Captain, and why was her mom holding her so tightly? Why hadn’t the Captain come home? And where was her dad, anyway?
The pain of a father’s absence, frequent moves, and forced new starts drive a bright-eyed, happy little girl deep into herself, and it’s not until the final move back to their hometown that Hannah lets herself reach out to others. Thrasher captures the teenaged Hannah and really fleshes out her character. This is a truly moving story that ultimately triumphs, but not before she puts your heart through the wringer! I found myself crying at home as Hannah faces a devastating moment, and later at the hair salon as the story moved in a direction I hadn’t anticipated (those were tears of relief and joy!) If you can bring me to tears, you’ve done your job well, so well done, Ms. Thrasher. I suppose I should put a mascara warning on my 4-star review! Captain Fin is written for a YA audience but fares well for adult readers also. What a delight this book is – a lovely summer read for anyone.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Bitter Betrayal is a riveting and MUST read for teens and parents alike. This book offers an honest and realistic view of the tough choices and situations that can too often destroy a teenager’s life. Only through open dialogue can we hope to educate ourselves and prevent such common tragedies from happening. The real topics addressed in this book cannot be ignored and has the potential to save a teenager’s life. As a mother of teenagers, a daughter, and a son, I highly recommend Bitter Betrayal.
Lynn Groff, LMSW
Licensed Master Social Worker
Owner Primrose School of N.E.
Green Oaks
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Bitter Betrayal should be a must-read for tweens and teens! Where do I begin? The story, Bitter Betrayal, by Author, Amanda Thrasher, is not just a book it’s a valuable lesson for anyone on the planet that uses technology. This moral message is a warning that, if ignored, could prove to be devastating and life-altering.
I seriously couldn’t put it down! The title, Bitter Betrayal, alone, kept me intrigued; I knew something big was coming. Just when I was grateful for a chapter ending, (so I could get on with the rest of my life) the title of the next chapter kept me sucked in, and turning pages.
I truly thought I would be able to relax after the pinnacle moments of betrayal but that was not the case. I had to know how it ended and the discussion questions at the end of the book kept me thinking for days.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Author Amanda Thrasher never lets the reader get away easy about choosing sides. Bitter Betrayal is no exception! Read it; the significance within its pages can change lives! Rhonda Jennings – Special Education Teacher Bitter Betrayal is a game changer in a world where Society claims there are no rulesAmanda Thrasher is a word magician who grabs her readers from page one to pull them into the devastating roller coaster ride of two teens flirting with premarital sex and underage drinking, not understanding the consequences that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Written with just the right amount of true-life, raw emotion without being slutty, Bitter Betrayal should be required reading for today’s teens who are constantly bombarded with the lies of Hollywood. – Award-winning children’s author Donna Frisinger
I stayed up last night and finished Bitter Betrayal and thought it was a great read for young adults! You did a superb job of capturing high school angst and peer relationships! I appreciated how you kept the language mature, and yet managed to relate to tweens who really need the message as well.
We thank you so much for the donated copy and will proudly place it in circulation.
I can think of several patrons who would appreciate reading the book and will be grateful. I’ve always believed that one of the best things about reading books is to be able to experience difficult situations and decisions through reading about them before having to experience them! This book does that!
Thanks so much!
Sue Ellen Shaw
East Parker County Library
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ A Compelling and Necessary Read
Having read Ms. Thrasher’s book The Greenlee Project, I knew that Bitter Betrayal would be just as compelling, just as brutally honest, and just as necessary. Hear me now: these are not easy books to read. They’re not your typical good-time YA romances. They are very real books dealing with very harsh realities that today’s teenagers face, particularly in our world of modern technology and social media.
Overall, this book is an excellent read. At first, upon finishing it, I thought that I would have ended it differently. But then, the more I thought about it, the more I realized that this is exactly how life often plays out. Fiction tends to wrap itself up and tie all the loose ends together and see to it that everyone pays the price for their actions, but that’s not the way that real life works. That’s what I love so much about Ms. Thrasher’s books. She isn’t afraid to write for truth or to discuss those topics that are so often ignored and yet so very relevant to teens today. – By Jacqueline E. Smith

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ BITTER BETRAYAL is a very well written story and I went through the chapters in almost no time. I am no longer a teenager or even a young adult, but I enjoyed reading about Payton, Reece, and the other teens – though I have to admit that I was really glad the author gave the full meaning of certain text message abbreviations. I would otherwise not have understood some of them (shows my age). The story is quite authentic and I can easily imagine these kinds of things happening for real. I think this novel is great for young readers to teach them about what kinds of consequences certain behavior could have, e.g. drinking too much and being in the wrong place at the wrong time under the wrong circumstances. A book like this would be great for English literature lessons in schools – it could be used to start discussions and teach kids the importance of honesty and taking responsibility for your own actions. There are many lessons to be learned from Payton and I feel that kids these days often do not get these lessons from anybody, and then have to learn these things the hard and painful way.
Reviewed By Ankita Shula for Readers’ Favorite
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Bitter Betrayal by Amanda M. Thrasher is a book with a purpose. She aims at educating teenagers about how their idea of “just having fun” can actually spoil their future. Payton, a sixteen-year-old teenager, is head-over-heels in love with Reece, a senior at a different school. In her head, she can see herself marrying Reece and spending the rest of her life with him. As romantic as it sounds, their teenage love — like any other love — has its own share of problems. Although Reece keeps trying to go all the way with Payton, she respectfully declines him every time. She is not ready to go down that road, just yet. She second guesses her decision every now and then, but is determined to wait until she is ready. Trouble knocks on their door when the coach’s daughter, Stacie, enters their lives. The green eyed monster is blinding Payton with jealousy and this is affecting her romantic life with Reece.
The author, Amanda M. Thrasher, has highlighted one very important problem that follows when teenagers consume alcohol. Being a teenager is difficult enough as it is, but adding alcohol doesn’t make it any easier. The book is not just about the after effects of consuming alcohol; it also focuses on how it might impact the teenagers and their families. With the social media boom, can any secret remain buried for long? Bitter Betrayal is written in a very impressive style. Payton’s conflicting thoughts and inner struggles would seem relatable to every teenage girl who is in love. There are so many emotions to deal with that Payton finds herself mostly overwhelmed. Reece, like any other teenage boy, finds his girlfriend’s emotions annoying and irrational. He is, however, not a negative character. He respects Payton’s decision to wait until she is ready. He doesn’t push her to give in to his desires. There is a lot to learn from this book. I wish that parents would encourage their teenagers to read Bitter Betrayal and learn from it. An impressive plot, excellent story-telling, and smooth development of the story make this very readable.5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book!By Sara ~ Format: Kindle Edition|Verified PurchaseI love Amanda’s style. She puts herself in the shoes of all of her characters and makes their side of the stories, with their perspectives and emotions, come to life. You’re happy when they’re happy, and you hurt when they hurt. She draws you in, making it so hard to put her books down!
Amanda has a knack for recounting very real events/situations. It is so unfortunate that situations such as these occur, and Amanda’s way of raising awareness around them is probably one of the best ways to prevent future occurrences. Possibly one of the saddest things to see is how society has evolved with the prevalence of technology and social media. Yes, there are some wonderful benefits of being so connected and having access to just about all of the information you might ever need at your finger tips. However, this interconnectedness also enables us to make rash decisions before we’ve even had a chance to process possible consequences. Unfortunately, it is often difficult to fully comprehend long-term consequences of any action, especially when we have any number of things influencing us either consciously or subconsciously. While Amanda focuses on these issues in teens, they are experienced by people of all ages. It is for that reason that I believe a broader audience would benefit greatly from reading this book. We can all have a profoundly positive impact on our own well-being and that of others, we just need to be aware of what to look for. Thank you, Amanda, for bringing these issues to light!

The Greenlee Projectby Amanda M. Thrasher – The Greenlee Project is a captivating fictional story addressing critical real-life issues that tweens and teens face today. Bullying and cyber-bullying are part of our society today that has had tragic consequences for many. Amanda Thrasher, is a talented author, who has delivered a story that is both compelling and also thought-provoking. You can feel the emotions of each of the characters as the story unfolds along this journey. It will leave you with the desire to change the world around you and to talk to others about the increasing severity of bullying and cyber-bullying. With the discussion questions included, this is an excellent choice for book-clubs and middle school language arts classes. Such a critical and important story. – Lisa Robinson, CFLE, OK
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ The Ghost of Whispering Willow by Amanda M. Thrasher – will capture middle school and older readers with its fast-moving plot and likable characters. Suffused with warmth and love, it provides a theme that is largely missing in the world of books but sorely needed. Two best friends learn to accept the cooperation of four girls as they attempt to befriend the ghosts they think they have sighted. The success of their efforts puts the kids in the middle of an intense battle they never could have envisioned. All is achieved without the direct help of parents, making the children learn resourcefulness.

The plot is well constructed as it is paced intelligently and maintains the reader’s interest. One element of the clever crafting can be found on page 124: it is the very middle page of the book and on it the major turn in the plot occurs. I first discovered this middle page phenomenon in the French author Pierre Loti, in his novel Pêcheur d’Islande (Iceland Fisherman). The main character’s younger brother, who had been injured in Viet Nam is returning to France on a hospital boat, but dies precisely when the boat passes the Equator on the longest day of the year, at the moment the sun dips under the horizon, at the middle of the world in the middle of the year, precisely at the middle page of the novel. I thought it was amazing, maybe unique. But years later, I found in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose what is most central to the theme of the book happening on the very middle page and I have found something similar in a few other books. This is the mark of a writer and I have found it again. Some of the most solid literature these days is being written for children and teens. The Ghost of Whispering Willow joins the list. – David A. Bedford, Ph.D. Instructor of Spanish- TCU
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Genre: Children’s Title: Sadie’s Fairy Tea Party

Sadie has a fairy friend named Violet, who visits when everyone else is asleep. Violet has a talent for fixing things with her fairy dust. She prepares a lovely tea party for Sadie with Rose Hip tea and Teacakes and Sadie is very impressed. She is surprised when Violet gives her a fairy friendship gift. The moral of the story is kindness, appreciation and friendship, all very valuable life lessons The story is short and very sweet with enchanting illustrations. At the end of the story is a question and answer section for parents to ask the child. This encourages listening and comprehension and is a definite asset to the book. This is followed by a coloring section and an activity page, where the child can be involved in making a lovely craft. I know my granddaughters will love this little book. Highly Recommended by Reviewer: Shirley Roe, Allbooks Review Int. www.allbooksreviewint.com

Dear Amanda,
My name is Jeremy McNair, and I am the Site Director for the YMCA program at Butler Elementary School. This past Monday, you came and spoke to my students about your books and the writing processes behind them. The past two days since then have been completely filled with the kids telling me how much they learned from and enjoyed your presentation. I wish I could take the time to tell you every story, but I’ve typed up several of the letters that they’ve written to you and copied them to the end of this email. Your drive and passion were well received and noted by all the children and staff, and I know that your impact will resonate in a huge way in all of their lives. Thank you so much for your dedication to your craft, but even more than that, thank you for sharing it with the children at Butler. They were left truly inspired.
– Jeremy McNair
I wanted to thank you for your visits with our students. Your words definitely had an effect on our kids. They have been so energized since your visits. Personally, my daughter Cailey was inspired by your work. She was on line last night researching you and talking about your life and story and how she wanted to be a writer someday.
Thanks again for providing inspiration with your work.
Mike Cobb
Head of Middle School
Director of Summer Programs at Oakridge

Patty Pardue
Ashworth Elementary

Ms. Thrasher,
I just heard your presentation to one of our grade levels and I am so inspired! I grew up loving to write and writing silly stories about our family. My life long dream is to someday publish a children’s book. Thank you for speaking to us about the writing process and your encouragement!
Lucy Vasquez
Parkway Elementary
Exciting News: Barnes and Noble, Inc. Small Press Department